Some professionals in the cleaning industry considered backpack vacuums a novelty when manufacturers first introduced them a few years ago. But today, many cleaning professionals prefer them because of their versatility and how easily they can speed up their cleaning productivity.
In order to take advantage of all these benefits, it is important to know how to wear a backpack vacuum cleaner properly.
1. For comfortable operation, stand upright with a relaxed posture, arms hanging loosely to the side
2. Maintaining a straight wrist, hold the handgrip section of the wand with one hand, parallel to the floor.
3. When vacuuming under office desks, the reach of the wand is sufficient to avoid bending at the waist.
4. When vacuuming under lower profile objects or when picking up items off the floor, bend the knees and maintain a straight back.
5. When turning, do not twist at the waist. Turn using your feet.
"Rotobic latest design advances of the harnesses have made them much more comfortable for the operators to wear," "This helps reduce fatigue, improving worker performance and productivity significantly."
- Plan the work path based on the location of the power point, room/furniture layout, and entrance and exit points.
- Commence vacuuming using a systematic approach working one half of the area first, away from the power point, and then the other half of the area, returning back to the start.
- Ensure that the power cord is clear of feet to reduce the likelihood of tripping.
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