
HEPA Sweepers

PowerBoss: Setting the Gold Standard in Silica Dust Control for OSHA Compliance


In compliance with OSHA regulations, PowerBoss is committed to maintaining the health and safety of all workers. OSHA indicates that a silica dust exposure control plan includes a number of dust control measures. These measures are customized to meet every organizations needs. With a 99.9% filtration efficiency, PowerBoss holds our safety measures to the highest standard.

When it comes to silica dust control, we’ve got you covered. A large number of our cleaning equipment meets and/or exceeds OSHA’s standards regarding HEPA filtration of carcinogenic dusts. PowerBoss offers three types of dust control methods that can be used to support OSHA’s housekeeping practices including; wet sweeping, water flooding, and dry sweeping. Just to give you an idea of what you should keep an eye out for, browse through tabs below to see a few of those powerful cleaning machines that reach those standards!   Atlas-500x455-300x273

What is Crystalline Silica?

Silica, often referred to as quartz, is a very common mineral. It is found in many materials common on construction sites, including soil, sand, concrete, masonary, rock, granite, and landscaping materials.

The dust created by cutting, grinding, drilling or otherwise disturbing these materials can contain crystalline silica particles. These dust particles are very small. You cannot see them. This respirable silica dust causes lung disease and lung cancer. It only takes a very small amount of airborne silica dust to create a health hazard.

Recognizing that very small, respirable silica particles are hazardous, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulation 29 CFR 1926.1153 requires construction employers to keep worker exposures at or below a Permissible Exposure Level (PEL) of 50 µg/m3or comply with Table 1 – Specifed Exposure Control Methods When Working With Materials Containing Crystalline Silica of the silica standard.

Dry Sweeping


Our HEPA rider sweepers comply with the OSHA Dust Control Standards. These filtration systems on the sweeper must be 99% efficient to 0.3 micron. .03 micron at 99% efficiency requires a HEPA dust filter to comply. PowerBoss MDC sweepers offer a productive method of sweeping with maximum dust control. Their Atlas and Armadillo 9X Sweepers are yours to choose from!

PowerBoss’ 5 stages of Maximum Dust Control filtration:

  • Stage 1 Vacuumized main broom chamber.
  • Stage 2 Perma Pre-Filter
  • Stage 3 (pleated filter) 95% to 98% efficient from 2.0 –5.0 micron
  • Stage 4 Aggressive filter vibration system
  • Stage 5 (HEPA) 95% to 99% efficient from .30 –1 micron

PowerBoss Atlas Rider Sweeper


The PowerBoss Atlas is a reliable and cost-effective 64" industrial sweeper that can be used both indoors and outdoors. It is maneuverable and compact, making it suitable for various locations such as parking lots, universities, hospitals, hotels, resorts, manufacturing facilities, and distribution centers. With the latest fuel-efficient engines, you have the option to choose between gas/lp or diesel powered, allowing you to select the right power source for your needs.

The Atlas operates quietly at only 83 dba, minimizing disruption to others. Its premium hydraulic system ensures cost-effectiveness and reliability throughout its lifespan. The main broom, side broom, and dust filter are easily adjustable, and the retractable side broom allows for obstacle avoidance, extending the life of the brooms. Additionally, the Atlas offers an optional wet sweeping feature for optimal dust control.

  Atlas front copy



PowerBoss Armadillo 9X MDC HEPA Sweeper




The Armadillo offers a quality, cost-effective sweeper that will provide extra years of consistently reliable service. Manufactured to heavy-equipment design criteria, it meets the most rigorous of cleaning requirements.

In fact, Armadillo is a truly rebuildable sweeper, much like many forklift trucks. This means a longer life than most conventional sweepers.


Water Flooding


In case the water sweeping method isn’t a viable option for you, the water flooding method may be the way to go. As one of the most effective methods of dust control, water flooding contains the silica dust in a floor scrubber’s water solution and is immediately sucked up through the recovery squeegee and vacuum.

The Powerboss Nautilus is a highly maneuverable mid-size ride-on sweeper/scrubber with a large water capacity for prolonged operation. It features one switch operation for easy use and allows you to adjust water flow and brush pressure while running. With the water flooding dust control method, it effectively removes build-up and restores dirty surfaces.

An optional heavy-duty edge scrubber is available for cleaning close to walls. The Nautilus deep-cleans in one pass and leaves floors dry and safe for foot traffic, meeting OSHA's HEPA regulations.

  Hako Powerboss Nautilus Power Scrubber Sweeper 1


OSHA MERV Rating Chart



The solutions listed above are all effective measures in maintaining:

A healthier work environment

Safe Air Quality

Your Facility’s OSHA Compliance

Don’t worry about that upcoming OSHA inspection. When it comes to your construction site, warehouse and distribution center, or manufacturing plant, we are confident that our equipment will leave you virtually dust free! OSHA believes that the new regulation will save 600 lives as over 2 million workers are exposed to silica dust. For more information, see OSHA’s Final Rule.


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