Sweepmaster 650: Walk-Behind Sweeper by Hako Australia

Sweepmaster 650: Walk-Behind Sweeper by Hako Australia

Sweepmaster 650

Walk-behind vacuum sweeper for small to medium-sized areas


For years, it has been a must for us to manufacture in an environmentally friendly manner. Consumption of materials and energy are the most important issues we consider when improving our environmental impact. Hako uses environmental audits; the formulation of binding environmental guidelines; and environmental management to create the conditions for continuous optimization.

Hako’s Integrated Environmental Cleaning (IEC) System, comprises of Hako Anti-bacterial tanks (certified to ISO22196) increasing hygiene and safety standards, daytime cleaning technology reducing evening energy consumption, certified and patented aqua control brushes delivering up to 50% water and chemical reduction and Hako’s Aquaforce chemical free cleaning system.

The robust, heavy-duty steel frame design makes this Sweepmaster a genuine professional – for impeccably clean floors at all times.

Sweepmaster 650 Lager (1)

With a cleaning performance of up to 2,600 m²/h – or even up to 3,525 m²/h when equipped with a side broom – the vacuum sweeper Sweepmaster 650 provides superior cleaning results on hard floors and carpets. This machine works by applying the clever overhead throwing principle which ensures maximum filling of the dirt hopper to provide both uninterrupted working and excellent sweeping results.

  • Take-it-Easy dirt hopper system.
  • Maintenance-free battery-powered drive system for indoor use. 
  • Low-consumption petrol engine for outdoor use. 
  • Cleaning right up to edges.
  • Optional Carpet-Kit is available. 

Take-it-Easy: Dirt hopper system integrated into the handlebar

Particularly comfortable: The Take-it-Easy dirt hopper system of our Sweepmaster 650 enables easy emptying. 

  • The pivoting handlebar provides easy opening. 
  • The dirt hopper can be removed with ease. 
  • Coarse pieces of debris can be thrown into the hopper manually.


The filter: shake and clean

The filter shaker allows easy cleaning during operation to provide consistently good cleaning results. When the day’s cleaning job is over, the filter can be accessed easily and from the clean side to allow uncomplicated and thorough filter-cleaning.


Special features

Designed with much attention to detail

Sweepmaster 650 Batterieantrieb   Sweepmaster-650-Motor
Maintenance-free battery-powered drive system: The onboard charger allows charging at any power outlet.    Petrol engine for outdoor use: low-consumption and low-noise industrial engine. 
Sweepmaster 650 Ueberlappung   02-1
Cleaning close to edges; widely overlapping side broom provides easy working in curves.    Optional: Carpet-Kit turns the Sweepmaster 650 into a gentle yet thoroughly efficient carpet-cleaning device.
Technical data

Sweepmaster 650 at a glance

Sweepmaster P650 B650
Working width with 1 side brush (2 SB) cm 70.5 70.5
Theoretical area performance with 1 SB, main sweeping cylinder m²/h 3525 3525
Working speed km/h 5 5
Dirt hopper capacity l 35 35
Total output kW - 0.75
Nominal voltage V - 12
Battery capacity max. Ah - 76
Length cm 120 120
Width cm 68.5 68.5
Height above the seat (operating handle) cm 71.5-100 71.5-100
Weight, ready to use (incl. battery) kg - 122